Thursday, March 13, 2008

Reading Together...

Its been somewhat busy in my life lately, and I feel that I am juggling lots of projects in my free time: organizing my life, a new cross-stitch that I just started, reading three very different books, looking for library jobs, relaxing, and getting ready to work on several wedding presents. Since this blog deals with books, let me tell you what I'm working my way through now.

Balliett, Blue. The Wright 3.

This is a book that I have been reading out loud with my significant other. It seems to be the perfect book for a read-aloud, and I would suggest it to families, couples, or friends who enjoy discovering entertaining family-friendly reads. Its been so much fun to work our way through this book. It reads very quickly, and if neither of us had to get up for work in the morning we would be much farther along than we are! Calder, Petra, and Tommy are very real child characters who lead their audience on a great introduction to Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House and their attempts to save the house from destruction. While educational, it is not textbook in any stretch of the imagination! Prepare to be sucked into their adventures. For those of you in the Chicago area, it would be great pair this book with a visit to the Robie House. Check here for information on The Wright 3 tour!

Willas, Jim. God's Politics.

I'm only on the second chapter of this one, so I won't write much now. So far, it has really given me a lot to think about. Especially in light of the upcoming elections. Why do people vote for the candidates that they do? And how is it that there came to be "hot-button" issues in the first place? This is something that I know I have been guilty of in the past. I think living in the city and becoming more aware of the people around me has expanded my horizons and my political ideals. At this point, I'm trying to learn more about the candidates and what they are each standing for. I'm hoping this book will help me to keep my eyes and ears open as I make a decision about which candidate will claim my vote when November rolls around. In any case, Jim - as of chapter two - is doing a solid job of presenting weaknesses from both the Republican and Democratic parties. Check it out if you are interested in gaining a more well-rounded view of politics and what it means to vote for a candidate - blue or red.

Roberts, Nora. Heart of the Sea.

Okay, say what you will, but I confess that I love Nora Roberts' romance novels. I greatly enjoy her characters and their interaction with each other. This is the third in the Irish Trilogy, following Jewels of the Sun. I predicted what this book was going to be about before I picked it up. There was only one umarried Gallagher sibling remaining, and some new blood was going to be brought in when the family decided to join forces with the American Magee family. If you've read these books, I'm sure you've picked that up as well. The predictability of the plot and characters doesn't detract from the fact that Ireland is an awesome place to fall in love. And even better if you are helping a long dead lover finally become reunited with her faerie prince! While you might not classify this book as intellectually engaging, it provides a great balance for God's Politics and The Wright 3.

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